Five Natural Hair Fall Solutions You Can Do At Home

by gaurav aggarwal on September 29, 2022
Hair plays an essential role in our beauty. Thinning of hair is giving you a symbol that you should go for treatment. It is common to lose 50-100 hairs per day. If you lose more than this, you suffer from internal problems and start thinning your hair. The research states that thinning of hair doesn't mean baldness. However, it gives sparser spots of hair on the head. Thinning of hair is not genetic; this problem can happen to anyone. But it is imperative to manage hair thinning problems; otherwise, you must face baldness.
You can save your hair if you start taking proper treatment on time. You may use our Ayurvedic Hair Oil for Hair Growth and Natural anti-dandruff shampoo.

We are sure that by following the tips, you will be able to maintain good hair. 


Five Natural Ways To Stop Hair Fall


essential oils for hair growth

Almost every person suffers from hair fall. Here we have includes some of the home remedies which can help you reduce Hairfall naturally.


  •  Essential oils: Essential oils are derived from plants and are considered the best for treating hair fall. It is generally used as aromatherapy and other types of medicines. Apply this oil gently to your scalp and massage it. However, there is not enough confirmation regarding the treatment of baldness and thinning of hair.


  •  Natural Anti-thinning shampoo: Another way is to use an ayurvedic natural anti-thinning shampoo. It provides enough volume to your hair so that it looks thicker. It would contain natural vitamins and amino acids that help to cure hair problems. Moreover, it also helps to get rid of dandruff and other hair problems. The hair becomes shiny and thicker. However, you need to apply it daily to get the best result. 


  •  Scalp massage: One of the cheapest methods is to use scalp methods. Scalp methods help to the proper flow of blood circulation. It will not cost you much and, at the same time, provides hair nourishment.
    While washing your hair, apply some Ayurvedic hair oil and gently rub it with your fingertips. The blood will flow, and the pores will open. However, you can also try a handheld scalp massager, and it will remove all the dead skin cells. 


  •  Omega 3 and Omega fatty acids: These are fatty acids and contain all sorts of vitamins. Premature hair might be the reason for the deficiency of vitamin D. It contains vitamins and minerals. Take one medicine regularly. It will reduce your hair thinning and get shiny and beautiful hair. You need to take medicine continuously. If you leave taking medicine, then it might not help you. 


  •  Multivitamins: In the case of undernourishment, people often suffer from hair loss. You may mix multivitamin tablets with Padmakesh Nourishing Hair Oil and apply them gently to your scalp. Healthy hair requires folic acid, zinc, iron, and other vitamins. It is essential for healthy and shiny hair. 


Apart from these tips, you must limit the use of straighteners or hot combs. The heat from these devices can also lead to hair thinning. Stop using blow dryers as they create thinning of hairs, Instead try the natural ways to dry your hair. Some basic things you can do for your hair are regular hair wash, good moisturizer or conditioner, proper oiling, and most importantly, proper nutrition to make your healthy strong and beautiful.


 Final Thoughts


best hair oil for hair growth


We must mention that our hair is one of the important parts of our body. Shiny and healthy hair depends upon generic factors, also. But Instead of experimenting with other oils, you should use an Ayurvedic hair oil. One such hair oil you can include for your proper hair care is Bioresurge Padmakesh Nourishing Hair oil; this ayurvedic natural hair oil have herbs like Amla, Neem, Brahmi, Methi that makes your hair stronger, and repairs damaged hair as well. For premature greying of hairs, you can also easily use this oil. It will not only make your hair strong and shiny. But, you will be able to reduce your hair fall as well.